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Foxly Branded Links, URL Shortener, Custom Domain Links

Domain Management in Foxly

Table of Contents

Retrieve all custom domain lists associated with a specific user.

Note: Upon creating your Foxly account, you will automatically receive two default domains provided by us.

For detailed information about the custom domain service, please consult this article.

API Endpoint #

GET /api/user/v1/domain_list

Request Body:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'api-key: API_KEY'

Response Body:

    "message": "Domain Fetch successfully",
    "data": [
            "domain": "string",
            "user_id": "string",
            "custom_redirect_url": "string",
            "custom_404": "string",
            "domain_id": "string",
            "created_at": "date",
            "status": "verified"
            // Additional domain entries can be present